HHRF 2025 Conference in San Antonio, TX HHRF 2025 Conference in San Antonio, TX - EIP

The HHRF 2025 Conference in San Antonio, TX is a 2-day event brings together HHRF’s supporters, researchers and the EAS community to celebrate and share innovations in research that support the power of horse-human interactions across an array of disciplines. This thought-provoking and informative event includes exciting presentations led by innovators in the industry and networking opportunities among a national community of industry experts. Tara Mahoney, LCMHC, Justin Grant, US Army (Ret.) 75th Ranger Regiment, 3rd Battalion and Dr. Kimberly Decker will present on Moral Injury.
Moral Injury is a psycho-spiritual crisis in which one’s core beliefs and ethical codes are shattered during military combat or service. The recent and emerging conflicts of the 21st century demand a professional and ethical response to support healing. The presentation will include definitions, historical perspectives, and testimonials from presenters who have first hand knowledge of moral injury among our service members. Case studies in equine assisted interventions will promote active discussion and learning.
We are honored to do this presentation alongside Dr. Kimberly L. Decker, a healthcare leader currently serving as the Executive-in-Residence and Assistant Professor at the Army-Baylor Graduate Program in Health and Business Administration. Dr. Decker is passionate about improving healthcare delivery and mentoring future leaders.
Trigger warning: this material may be challenging for some audience members to hear.

Interested in this Event?

For more information about this event, please call Tara at 201-454-2445.