Women’s Integrated Treatment & Recovery Program; an affiliate of the National Center for PTSD Women’s Integrated Treatment & Recovery Program; an affiliate of the National Center for PTSD - EIP

Boston VA Medical Center- Brockton Campus at Winsome Riding Academy, Inc.


Five years ago, an innovative and unique program opened at the Brockton campus of VA Boston Healthcare System (VA BHS).  The Women’s Integrated Treatment & Recovery Program (WITRP) opened its doors to the first group of women Veterans, offering a safe and nurturing environment to women with both Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and active substance abuse issues.  This first-of-a-kind program, affiliated with the Women’s Health Sciences Division of the National Center for PTSD, attracts women Veterans from all over the country.  It is open to veterans with all types of trauma, including but not limited to military sexual trauma (MST) and combat trauma.

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For more information about this event, please call Tara at 201-454-2445.